Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Grounding - Removal of a Charge

To remove the electric charge from any object, the electrons of the object must be removed. There are several ways to remove an electric charge from an object. One of the ways to remove the charge is by grounding. Grounding is basically removing electrons from an object by transferring the electrons into another object.
An example of removing a charge using the grounding method is by using an electroscope. The objective is to neutralize the charges from the electroscope by removing the electrons. After removing the electrons, the number of protons and electrons will be the same, so the charge will be neutral. The process of removing the electrons is by connecting an object to another object that will receive the electrons. If the electroscope is positively charged, the process will be similar. To neutralize a positively charged electroscope, we must add electrons to balance the charges. The electrons are gained from the ground, and the process works because the positively charged electroscope will attract the electrons from the ground.

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